Last time we left off by familiarizing ourselves with moving about the perspective view. Now its time for... Part 3 - Lighting 1. Familiarization with the Lights First off I am not going to give you too many definite instructions on this part. I want you to learn from experimentation. Now, there are 6 different types of lights. I am not going to be talking about the sunlight system. That will come at a different time. | |||||
Target Spotlight
| Free Spotlight | Omni | Target Directional | Free Directional | |
We will be using 2 Omni Lights in our scene. All of them are pretty self-explanatory! So lets get cracking on our scene! 2. Lights in our Scene On the tabbar up top, goto the Lights & Cameras Tab and click on 'Omni'. We are using Omni because they provide a nice all-around light that is perfect for our scene.. Place 2 lights somewhat like this. Omni 1 is behind, above, and left of the dresser. Omni 2 is in front, above and slightly left of the dresser. | |||||
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The reason we placed Omni 1 as we did is to get a nice sheen off the dresser top. Yet, if we had not placed Omni 2 the front of the dresser would be all shadows. Now lets take a look at the properties of Omni 1. I circled the things we changed. | |||||
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Basically, going from top to bottom, the properties say this. Our light is an Omni light. It gives off white light. It casts shadows. Its light production is at 200% (or multiplied by 2). Simple enough isn't it? =) We changed the multiplier to get a better reflective sheen off of the dresser top. We chaned the casts shadows to true because we want the light to cast shadows! =P Now Omni 2. The only property we change on omni 2 is the multiplier. It should be 0.5. Here is what I have ended up with. If you have something different then thats fine! As long as it is somewhat near this than you're fine. | |||||
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But Wait! Oohh! Ahh! Look at that sheen! Wanna know how to do that? It's all in... |
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